Hire best remote talent

Job information

How to apply (please fill at least one)

It is location limited remote position

Company information (displayed)

Company information (for invoice)


How many people will see my job advert?
We have over 3000 email subscribers and many more visitors per month. Your job details will be seen by hundreds of people, and we guarantee 100+ Apply clicks.
How much does it cost?
The price for a job listing on Remote Index is $197 USD.
How long will my job be displayed on Remote Index?
Jobs will be promoted for 30 days and don't renew automatically. We guarantee 100+ Apply clicks or we will auto bump it for free.
Where are the candidates located?
About 35% of the site's traffic comes from U.S, 35% from Europe and 30% from various counties in Asia, South America and Africa.
After making payment, when can I expect the job post to be published?
Your job will be live within 24 hours.
Where can I get my receipt?
Reciepts are handled by Paddle, after purchase please check your email.
How do you take payment?
We use Paddle and you can pay with the most common credit cards.
Can I post multiple jobs?
Sure! We also offer discounts if you order 3+ job posts. Please send us an email to office@remoteindex.co.
Is there a way to edit the job post when it's published?
Yes, please send an email to office@remoteindex.co and we will handle it for you.